Messages - LHW

Pages: 1 [2]
Aeva Media / Re: About issues on
« le: 19 Août 2010 à 15h47 »
Assuming your Foxy! subscription hasn't expired, uninstall all three of them, and then install Aeva Media v2.01.

Aeva Media / Re: About issues on
« le: 17 Août 2010 à 13h12 »
For what it's's different when you get all those repeat questions when you're supporting a small mod that's only occasionally used.  BUT, when you have the most popular mod in the history of SMF, it's quite a different story...and stress / headache level.

Aeva Media / Re: About issues on
« le: 15 Août 2010 à 3h04 »
Well, you already know my thoughts on this, and how crappy this whole situation is.

But as I said you, you have a lot of followers who care about you - and who'll follow you, such loyalty is not easily earned. Screw the team, at the end of it, it's their loss, not yours.

Take some time off, have a good one and hope it tops up your happyfuel tank some :)
Ditto. :gnehe:

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