Messages - anton

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Aeva Media / Re: Hello
« on: 27 December 2014 à 10h23 »
I can't realy find, how to make new topic, co i'll post here )

I have Aeva light 1.5. Is there any new versions?? If no, I would like to make some update:

Mod does not installing on SMF2.0.9, so I found and replaced code in "install-both.xml"
first search in Post.php should look like
Code: [Select]
<search position="after"><![CDATA[ // Previewing? Go back to start.
if (isset($_REQUEST['preview']))
if (checkSession('post', '', false) != '')
$context['post_errors']['message'][] = $txt['error_session_timeout'];
unset ($_POST['preview'], $_REQUEST['xml']); // just in case
return Post();

Moreover around few years Youtube videos does not embed, by simply copy-paste of youtube url. I have tried to revise the source and replaced all http to https, but looks, like problem is deeper. In Subs-Aeva-Sites.php I have updated ytb:
Code: [Select]
'id' => 'yts',
'title' => 'YouTube (s)',
'website' => '[url][/url]',
'type' => 'pop',
'pattern' => 'https://(?:video\.google\.(?:com|com?\.[a-z]{2}|[a-z]{2})/[^"]*?)?(?:(?:www|[a-z]{2})\.)?youtu(?:be\.com/[^"#[]*?(?:[&/?;]|&amp;|%[23]F)(?:video_id=|v(?:/|=|%3D|%2F))|\.be/)([\w-]{11})',
'movie' => '[url][/url]$2&rel=0&fs=1',
'size' => array(
'normal' => array(480, 385),
'ws' => array(640, 385),
'ui-height' => 25,
// [url][/url] or v=MxGofCFHYCc (all hail Jochen Hippel!)
// On Google - [url][/url]
// [url][/url] - Example of "Embedding Disabled By Request"
'fix-html-pattern' => '<object [^>]*><param name="movie" value="https://www\.youtube\.com/v/([\w-]{11})(?:&[^"]*)?">.*?</object>',
'fix-html-url' => '[url][/url]$1',
'lookup-url' => 'https://(?:video\.google\.(?:com|com?\.[a-z]{2}|[a-z]{2})/[^"]*?)?(?:(?:www|[a-z]{2})\.)?youtube\.com/[^"#[]*?(?:[&/?;]|&amp;|%[23]F)(?:video_id=|v(?:/|=|%3D|%2F))([\w-]{11})[^]#[]*',
'lookup-actual-url' => '[url][/url]$1?v=2',
'lookup-final-url' => '[url][/url]$1',
'lookup-title' => true,
'lookup-title-skip' => true,
'lookup-pattern' => array(
'id' => '<id>.*?:([\w-]+)</id>',
'error' => '<internalReason>(.*?)</internalReason>',
'noexternalembed' => '<yt:accessControl\saction=\'embed\'\spermission=\'denied\'/>',
'ws' => '<yt:aspectRatio>widescreen</yt:aspectRatio>',

What else should I do??

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