Messages - hartiberlin

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Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 27 Novembre 2010 à 20h20 »
Okay, keep on programming guys !  :)

 If your fork will be good, there will be people, that will use it.

Maybe you will be successful like Joomla was it versus the other CMS
that it was coming from.. ( just forgot the name right now...)

Happy hacking !

Regards, Stefan.

Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 23 Novembre 2010 à 22h17 »
Yes, it sometimes depends in which order you install the mods.

Well, with Fel I believe these were only misunderstandings,
cause she does not speak English so well and she is a German as me.

Also she said, that she can not post email correspondance publically,
because of legal problems in German law.

BTW, her PortaMX company has another women as her partner and a few
freelance works.
They are doing software consulting for bigger companies.

Fel is the CEO who is devoting now all her time to
develop the PortaMX portal software most of her time.

She will soon release PortaMX 1.0 with great new features.

Regards, Stefan.

Posté : 23 Novembre 2010 à 14h54

Well, as long as your fork is not out yet and when  it is out and there are missing
functions, that the SMF2.0RC4 and a few other MODs combination can give me,
I would not change to your fork
as needed functions (Mods) are missing.

Maybe for these user you can still offer a paid version of AEVA that is
compatible with RC4 ?

Posté : 23 Novembre 2010 à 15h16

Feline found an error:

"The bug has to do with the new integration hooks in RC4.
If Aeva make his ob_start, ob_end, the SMF outbuffer is called twice in ONE session, so a dynamic function then is created on the first outbuffer call and  exists on the second call. This crashed the entire system."

Feline has posted a fix on her PortaMX forum.

Nao, are you still going to fully support RC4 with your paid version ?

As RC4 came out after your AEVA 2.04 there are probably still more incompatibilities now ?

Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 18 Novembre 2010 à 20h49 »
Yes, that was funny,
but Feline told SlammedDime all the errors he made and he was too lazy or slow to fix them...

Still SimpleSEF1.1.1
was the only Mod that still crashes the whole forum...
and he still has not posted a new update... !

Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 17 Novembre 2010 à 17h49 »
Hi Nao,
I think lots of the misunderstanding comes
from the  language barriers.

I know, that Feline is a very good programmer as you both are too,
so it would be good, if she could do her PortaMX also for your fork.

I think she has a partner in her corporation.
Maybe she develops also other software not related to PortaMX.

Would be good, if you would look into each other´s software,
when time permits and don´t "hade" each other... :gnehe:

Regards, Stefan.

Posté : 17 Novembre 2010 à 17h46

P.S: I just saw, that you also run here RC4 now.
Do you also use SimpleSEF 1.1.1 or how do you do the
URL Rewrite things here at noisen ?

Or are you using PrettyURL or your own code ?
Many thanks.

Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 15 Novembre 2010 à 22h03 »
Hi All,
Feline posted a new fix:

Regards, Stefan.

Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 15 Novembre 2010 à 6h58 »
Have a look here:

I will now test to embed Youtube videos and report back.

Regards, Stefan.

Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 11 Novembre 2010 à 23h55 »
Ohh, great,
where can I find this watermark plugin ?

By the way:
Could be, that the error is there, cause I was running the forum in German language,
before I installed the SimpleSEF 1.1.1

How can I set my forum now into English language to see,
if this fixes it ?

Can I just set this inside  the SQL database somewhere ?

Many thanks again.

Aeva Media / Re: [Announcement] Fork you, SMF!
« le: 11 Novembre 2010 à 23h52 »
As soon as I will get my forum up again,
where I installed the AEVA and the SimpleSEF crashed it,
I will post a screenshot made with a picture editor,
how I would like to have the setup of the AEVA gallery.

Stay tuned, I have to go now, will do this tommorow evening...

Many thanks.

Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 11 Novembre 2010 à 22h57 »
many thanks for this info about password protection.

Great, that this feature is already implemented.

Did Nao or you also implemented stamping the pictures during/after upload in the 2.04 version ,
so it could get a copyright watermark text somewhere in the picture visible ?

I could not test this yet , as my new installation is still crashed and I first need to
fix this SimpleSEF crashing my forum.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

Aeva Media / Re: [Announcement] Fork you, SMF!
« le: 11 Novembre 2010 à 22h53 »
sorry, if my messages came across a little bit harsh, cause my first language is not english,
but German.
So I sometimes have problems with formulating it correctly in English language.

Well, how will your fork compare to
Forum for wordpress ?

As I am working in this moment often with Wordpress for other sites,
I came across this forum and wonder how it will
compare to the smf fork.
As under wordpress there is a really nice gallery script nextgen gallery
and also many very good plugins for affiliate programs like
autoblogging, amazon, ebay stores, etc...
I wonder, if I should not move completely to this platform.

Well, we will see, what will be the best system to use in the future.

I will hope Nao will still make paid versions of Aeva available for the standard SMF
version, so we still could get bug fixed, if somebody wants to use now
SMF 2.0RC4.

Also it would be great, if one could choose the layout in the AEVA admin panel,
where to have the comments or image details info box, etc...
I would be willing to pay for this, as I need it now and will
need to get this project finished now.
Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 11 Novembre 2010 à 12h42 »
Yes, thanks, I posted it already at the SMF forum.

Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 11 Novembre 2010 à 12h08 »
Okay, I am testing it right now and the installation went so far okay.

Until now I have installed:

1.    Aeva Media    2.04    [ Deinstallieren ] [ Dateien auflisten ] [ Löschen ]
2.    Ad Managment    [ Deinstallieren ] [ Dateien auflisten ] [ Löschen ]
3.    Sitemap    2.2.0    [ Deinstallieren ] [ Dateien auflisten ] [ Löschen ]
4.    PortaMx v0.990    0.990    [ Deinstallieren ] [ Dateien auflisten ] [ Löschen ]
5.    Downloads System    [ Deinstallieren ] [ Dateien auflisten ] [ Löschen ]
6.    MetaTags Modification    1.5    [ Dateien auflisten ] [ Löschen ]

Now I need to still install SimpleSEF and also test a few new picture uploads..

How can I easily password protect a gallery ?
Is this somehow possible ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

Posté : 11 Novembre 2010 à 11h03

Now I installed SimpleSEF 1.1.1
and the whole forum crashed...
I can not access it anymore, so I have to see,
how I can edit some files via my
Hosting control panel ! Damn !  :niark:
Posté : 11 Novembre 2010 à 11h16

now how can I manually disable SimpleSEF inside the database ?

Or is it enough to clear the .htaccess file ?
Posté : 11 Novembre 2010 à 11h36

Damn, the variable inside the database table smf_settings
simplesef_enable was set to 0
but when I set it to 1
it does not change.

The forum hangs and does not build up and only
delivers a blank page...

Must I now install all packages again and overwrite them ?

Or how could I fix it manually via  the database ?

Aeva Media / Re: [Announcement] Fork you, SMF!
« le: 11 Novembre 2010 à 8h13 »
Thanks for your answer.
Well I am not demanding anything,
I only wanted to let you know, what would be cool to have.

Yes, I will try it, when it comes out and will see, if I could use it.

Many thanks again.

Regards, Stefan.

Aeva Media / Re: Compatibility problems with RC4 and PortaMX ?
« le: 11 Novembre 2010 à 1h57 »
So can I use now SMF 2.04 RC4 and PortaMX 0.990 and also use AEVA 2.04
or will this not work ?

I will try it now on a test site and let you know what problems I will still see.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

Aeva Media / Re: [Announcement] Fork you, SMF!
« le: 11 Novembre 2010 à 1h52 »
Okay, the most needed features would then be

1. an included Portal,
where you can have Javascript or PHP blocks everywhere, even
between the postings, not just at the borders,
so I could use this for ads and side-menus or single
extra pages.

2. Pretty-URLs, Meta-Tags and a sitemap.xml for SEO and better Google webmastertools indexing.

3. definable keywords, that will produce links on the fly in the forum pages to internal
pages with these keywords or to external pages with affiliate links
( to generate good internal linking ( helps Google index massively !) or to earn money
with affiliate offers..)

4. a Basic template, where I can graphically change the colors for all boxes and areas
inside the admin panel
without hacking CSS codes.
It should also allow to graphically change the border sizes
without needing to hack the CSS codes.
Must only be a basic implementation, so that I can just change areas and background colors
in color by point and click.
Also nice would be a changeable header title with different fonts options, so you can easily name
your forum/portal and have it displayed at the top without needing to make a GIF banner or something like this...

If you can do all this with your fork, I would immediately switch to it.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

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