Messages - smap

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Aeva Media / Re: NEW METHOD for purchasing Aeva Media 2.10
« on: 28 May 2015 à 10h11 »
Check what I wrote here, if you haven't apply the fix
I don't know if this helps or not, but what I found out is this

Open any youtube video directly on your browser, let's use the one bellow

Just bellow the video you will find 3 buttons

+ add to | < share | ... More

press the share button, and the link to be usen is rewritten

so instead of

you get

and instead of


you get


Obviously you still need to take out the "s" on the protocol name (http:// instead of https://), but it will work

One question, I'm using smf 2.0.10 with Aeva Media (1.4w) and not wedge, can I use/adapt your code to try to fix the problem or you don't allow it?
Here you can see how it works
Posted on 28 May 2015 à 10h07

 :mouais: :mouais: :mouais: :mouais:

It works on my forum with smf 2.0.10 and Aeva Media (1.4w)

But apparently it doesn't work here :(

Aeva Media / Re: YouTube fix for Aeva Media (May 2015)
« on: 28 May 2015 à 9h48 »
I don't know if this helps or not, but what I found out is this

Open any youtube video directly on your browser, let's use the one bellow

Just bellow the video you will find 3 buttons

+ add to | < share | ... More

press the share button, and the link to be usen is rewritten

so instead of

you get

and instead of


you get


Obviously you still need to take out the "s" on the protocol name (http:// instead of https://), but it will work

One question, I'm using smf 2.0.10 with Aeva Media (1.4w) and not wedge, can I use/adapt your code to try to fix the problem or you don't allow it?

Aeva Media / Re: NEW METHOD for purchasing Aeva Media 2.10
« on: 3 September 2014 à 17h11 »
Hi there

1st of sorry for this big message and mixing 2 different packages for SMF - AEVA (developed by NAO/DRAGOOON) and SMF4Mobile (developed by DRAGOOON)

I'm using:
SMF4Mobile - 1.15 -
SMF - 2.08
Aeva - 1.4w -

I missed some functionalities from the non mobile theme like:
Aeva My Albums -;area=mya
Aeva New Album -;area=mya;sa=add
Mass Upload/Download -;sa=mass;album=000

I compared the Aeva.template.php provided by Aeva 1.4w and SMF4mobile theme and could put some functionalities to work

For this one
Quote from smap
Aeva My Albums -;area=mya
on file /Themes/SMF4Mobile/Aeva.template.php you need to do the following changes

Where you have this line

Code: [Select]
'albums' => array('text' => 'aeva_albums', 'icon' => 'plus', 'url' => $galurl . 'sa=vua'),

Add a line above

Code: [Select]
'my albums' => array('text' => 'aeva_myalbums', 'icon' => 'plus', 'url' => $galurl . 'area=mya'),
'albums' => array('text' => 'aeva_albums', 'icon' => 'plus', 'url' => $galurl . 'sa=vua'),

Then on the same file add this code

Code: [Select]
// My Albums
function template_aeva_album_cp()
global $txt, $scripturl, $galurl, $context, $settings, $alburl, $user_info;

echo '
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="bordercolor">

if ($context['aeva_moving'] !== false)
echo '
<tr class="windowbg3">
<td colspan="4">', $txt['aeva_admin_moving_album'], ': ', $context['aeva_my_albums'][$context['aeva_moving']]['name'], ' <a href="', rtrim($alburl, ';'), '">[', $txt['aeva_admin_cancel_moving'], ']</a></td>

$can_manage = aeva_allowedTo('manage');
$can_moderate = aeva_allowedTo('moderate');
foreach ($context['aeva_my_albums'] as $album)
echo '
<tr class="windowbg', $album['featured'] ? '' : '2', '">
<td', !$album['approved'] ? ' class="unapp"' : '', ' style="padding-left: ', 5 + 30 * $album['child_level'], 'px',
$context['aeva_moving'] !== false && ($context['aeva_moving'] == $album['id'] || $context['aeva_moving'] == $album['parent']) ? '; font-weight: bold' : '', '">';

$show_move = $context['aeva_moving'] !== false && $context['aeva_moving'] != $album['id'] && $context['aeva_moving'] != $album['parent'];
if ($show_move)
echo '
', $album['move_links']['before'], '
', $album['move_links']['after'];

if ($can_manage || $album['owner']['id'] == $user_info['id'])
echo '
<a href="', $alburl, 'sa=edit;in=', $album['id'], '"><img alt="" src="', $settings['images_aeva'], '/folder_edit.png" title="', $txt['aeva_admin_edit'], '" /></a>
<a href="', $alburl, 'sa=delete;in=', $album['id'], '" onclick="return confirm(\'', $txt['aeva_admin_album_confirm'], '\');"><img alt="" src="', $settings['images_aeva'], '/folder_delete.png" title="', $txt['aeva_admin_delete'], '" /></a>
<a href="' . $alburl . 'move='.$album['id'] . '"><img alt="" src="', $settings['images_aeva'], '/arrow_inout.png" title="', $txt['aeva_admin_move'], '" /></a>', $album['approved'] == 0 && $can_moderate ? '
<img alt="" src="'.$settings['images_aeva'].'/tick.png" title="'.$txt['aeva_admin_approve'].'" />&nbsp;<a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=media;area=moderate;sa=submissions;do=approve;type=albums;in='.$album['id'].'">'.$txt['aeva_admin_approve'].'</a>' : '';

if (!empty($album['featured']))
echo '
<img alt="" src="', $settings['images_aeva'], '/star.gif" title="', $txt['aeva_featured_album'], '" />';

echo '
<a href="', $galurl, 'sa=album;in=', $album['id'], '">', $album['name'], '</a>', $show_move ? '
' . $album['move_links']['child_of'] : '', '

echo '


it really doesn't have to be on this specific place but I place it above this

Code: [Select]
// Profile summary template

You need finally to add the following line on file /Themes/default/languages/Aeva.english.php (or whatever language you are using)

Code: [Select]
$txt['aeva_myalbums'] = 'My Albums';
I place it above this

Code: [Select]
$txt['aeva_albums'] = 'Albums';
Here's a screenshot
Quote from smap
Aeva New Album -;area=mya;sa=add
Where it was this (previously modified to add "my albums")

Code: [Select]
'my albums' => array('text' => 'aeva_myalbums', 'icon' => 'plus', 'url' => $galurl . 'area=mya'),
'albums' => array('text' => 'aeva_albums', 'icon' => 'plus', 'url' => $galurl . 'sa=vua'),

Add the middle line

Code: [Select]
'my albums' => array('text' => 'aeva_myalbums', 'icon' => 'plus', 'url' => $galurl . 'area=mya'),
'new album' => array('text' => 'aeva_admin_add_album', 'icon' => 'plus', 'url' => $galurl . 'area=mya;sa=add'),
'albums' => array('text' => 'aeva_albums', 'icon' => 'plus', 'url' => $galurl . 'sa=vua'),

Here is a screenshot
Quote from smap
Mass Upload/Download -;sa=mass;album=000
Bellow this code

Code: [Select]
<a href="', $galurl, 'sa=post;album=', $album_data['id'], '" data-role="button" data-inline="true" data-icon="plus" id="add_item">', $txt['aeva_add_item'], '</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (is_ios)

Add this code

Code: [Select]
if ($context['aeva_can_multi_upload'])
echo '
<a href="', $galurl, 'sa=mass;album=', $album_data['id'], '" data-role="button" data-inline="true" data-icon="plus" id="add_item">', $txt['aeva_multi_upload'], '</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (is_ios)
if (aeva_allowedTo('multi_download'))
echo '
<a href="', $galurl, 'sa=massdown;album=', $album_data['id'], '" data-role="button" data-inline="true" data-icon="plus" id="add_item">', $txt['aeva_multi_download'], '</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (is_ios)

Then add this code

Code: [Select]
function template_aeva_multiUpload()
global $context, $txt, $galurl, $amSettings, $settings, $boardurl;

echo '
<table cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<tr class="titlebg">
<td>', $txt['aeva_multi_upload'], '</td>
<tr class="windowbg">
<ul class="normallist">
<li>', $txt['aeva_max_file_size'], ': ', $txt['aeva_image'], ' - ', $context['aeva_max_file_size']['image'], ' ', $txt['aeva_kb'], ', ', $txt['aeva_video'], ' - ', $context['aeva_max_file_size']['video'], ' ', $txt['aeva_kb'], ', ', $txt['aeva_audio'], ' - ', $context['aeva_max_file_size']['audio'], ' ', $txt['aeva_kb'], ', ', $txt['aeva_doc'], ' - ', $context['aeva_max_file_size']['doc'], ' ', $txt['aeva_kb'], '
<li>', $txt['aeva_needs_js_flash'], '</li>
<tr class="windowbg2">
', $txt['aeva_add_allowedTypes'], ':
<ul class="normallist">';

foreach ($context['allowed_types'] as $k => $v)
echo '
<li><b>', $txt['aeva_filetype_'.$k], '</b>: ', str_replace('*.', '', implode(', ', $v)), '</li>';

echo '
<tr class="windowbg2">
<td align="center">
<form action="', $boardurl, '">
<strong>1</strong>. ', $txt['aeva_sort_order'], ' &ndash;
<select id="sort_order" name="sort_order">
<option value="1" selected="selected">', $txt['aeva_sort_order_filename'], '</option>
<option value="2">', $txt['aeva_sort_order_filedate'], '</option>
<option value="3">', $txt['aeva_sort_order_filesize'], '</option>
<tr class="windowbg2">
<form action="', $context['aeva_submit_url'], '" id="upload_form" method="post">
<div id="mu_container" style="text-align: center">
<strong>2</strong>. <span id="browse" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2"></span>
<span id="browseBtnSpan" style="z-index: 1"><a id="browseBtn" href="#">', $txt['aeva_selectFiles'], '</a></span> |
<strong>3</strong>. <a id="upload" href="#">', $txt['aeva_upload'], '</a>
<strong id="overall_title" class="overall-title">', $txt['aeva_overall_prog'], '</strong><br />
<img alt="" src="', $settings['images_aeva'], '/bar.gif" class="progress overall-progress" id="overall_progress" /> <strong id="overall_prog_perc">0%</strong>
<strong class="current-title" id="current_title">', $txt['aeva_curr_prog'], '</strong><br />
<img alt="" src="', $settings['images_aeva'], '/bar.gif" class="progress2 current-progress" id="current_progress" /> <strong id="current_prog_perc">0%</strong>
<div class="current-text" id="current_text"></div>
<ul id="current_list">
<li id="remove_me" style="visibility: hidden"></li>
<br style="clear: both;" />
<div style="text-align: center;" id="mu_items"><input type="submit" name="aeva_submit" value="', $txt['aeva_submit'], '" /></div>
<tr id="mu_items_tr" style="display: none" class="titlebg">
<td>', $txt['aeva_errors'], '</td>
<tr id="mu_items_tr2" style="display: none" class="windowbg2">
<td id="mu_items_error" style="color: red;">

it really doesn't have to be on this specific place but I place it above this

Code: [Select]
// Profile summary template

Here's a screenshotAnd finally here is my problem, on the "Mass Upload" page, the link "select files" doesn't work because it call a swf to upload the files

It's located on this part of the code

Code: [Select]
<strong>2</strong>. <span id="browse" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2"></span>
<span id="browseBtnSpan" style="z-index: 1"><a id="browseBtn" href="#">', $txt['aeva_selectFiles'], '</a></span> |
<strong>3</strong>. <a id="upload" href="#">', $txt['aeva_upload'], '</a>
I even installed wedge forum to try to see if the aeva version there was not using the swf file (and get the code), but it still uses it. So I assume even if I get Aeva 2 comercial version I will end up it the mass upload running on top of the swf.

I'm not that skilled in php so i'm asking if there's any change to change Aeva to use a HTML 5 form to do the upload instead of the swf. As far as I see it you will end up having to do this change sooner or later since android stop supporting flash.

I checked this page - - and tried to change the code using this

Code: [Select]
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
   <input type="file" name="file[]" multiple id="file"/>
   <input type="submit" name="ok"  />

Can even get the echo to work

Code: [Select]
   foreach ($_FILES['file']['name'] as $filename) {
    echo $filename.'<br/>';

But don't know how to put it to work with the rest of the the Aeva.template.php

PS: sorry to reply on this topic, but I didn't seem to have permissions to start one. Feel free to move this message to where appropriated


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