Messages - ted

Pages: [1]
Aeva Media / Re: Hello
« on: 27 March 2016 à 18h31 »
Post in this thread of the same reasons as above that making new seams to be turned of.
I hope all is well with you, not to been active for a while.

Sorry to bother you with this pesky question but here it goes:

Running a forum on smf 1.1.21 with Auto-Embed Video & Audio (Aeva) v6.9.99 since many years back.
Video embeded still works and even youtube with some edits.

Question is:
1) Are there any fixes available for such a old software to be used to get around the youtube https and be stuff?
2) Can I upgrade to any of your later stuff and retain the links and videos viewing on the forum if I upgrade to that in some not to labour intensive fashion.
3) If I do upgrade will you support the stuff a while longer?


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